May 2022: OSEG Proposal, "Lansdowne 2.0", Brought to Council

An OSEG proposal to re-build the north side stands and civic centre at Lansdowne goes to committee and council during its lame duck period at the end of its term. The proposal includes building three towers of 35, 40 and 46 storeys along the stadium, and building a new event centre into part of the great lawn. The entire project is proposed to cost $332.6M, and the city would take on significant new debt and interest payments. The previous direction for the city to engage in consultations was not followed. The Councillor's office organized another last minute consultation of their own, and put out a list of top ten concerns with the proposal. The proposal was approved in principle with final approvals and decision making left to the next term of council.

In an unprecedented move, members of the Finance an Economic Development Committee, including Mayor Watson, refuse to allow Councillor Menard's motion to be tabled and discussed. However, the Councillor was able to make some improvements to the original plan proposed later at the Council table.

This included a direction to staff to embark on a public consultation strategy, covering the overall concept plan, the rezoning application for the proposed skyscrapers, and the improvements to the urban park and public realm, as well as a full explanation of the proposed business model, including the selling off of public land and air rights. Councillor Menard also passed a motion improving the transportation planning around the site, including directing staff to plan for low- or no-cost shuttle service on Bank Street, to review parking requirements for the proposed residential developments, to devise mitigation measures to improve transportation through the site, and, importantly, to work with OSEG on a Traffic Impact Study, supported by consultation with the Glebe Community Association, the Glebe BIA and the surrounding community associations. Finally Councillor Menard passed an amendment to the plan, directing staff to explore different massing and heights for the three proposed skyscrapers and explore making the green roof of the event centre accessible.

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