Key Findings

The main takeaway of these survey results is that there is very little public support for the current Lansdowne 2.0 proposal whether taken as a whole, or broken down to its constituent elements. Residents do, however, support proposals for meaningfully affordable housing and residential development at Lansdowne; they support public realm enhancements and transportation solutions that prioritize public transit and active transportation. Finally, residents oppose the continued use of the P3 model at Lansdowne, and they feel that the city has not been transparent about the financial aspects of the P3. These results largely hold true regardless of what area of Ottawa respondents live in.

  • 65% of respondents oppose the current Lansdowne 2.0 proposal in its entirety, with most key aspects of the proposal receiving more opposition.
  • 79% of respondents oppose a net-loss of accessible greenspace at Lansdowne Park, including a majority of respondents from each region of the city.
  • 58% of respondents felt there should either be less parking or no parking proposed as part of Lansdowne 2.0. The number one response from respondents in each region of the city was for there to be no additional parking at Lansdowne (with the exception of Rural respondents).
  • 67% of respondents felt there should either be less residential units proposed here or none at all.
  • 85% of respondents support a residential built form that is not as tall as what is currently proposed, with the most popular response in each region of Ottawa being for a mid-rise option
  • 62% of respondents support a requirement for non-market affordable housing as part Lansdowne 2.0. A non-market affordable housing option was the number one response in every region of Ottawa. Only 12% of respondents support the current proposal for an affordable housing commitment as part of Lansdowne 2.0.
  • 86% of respondents support making Lansdowne Park more welcoming for pedestrians, bicyclists and other active transportation users, even if it makes the surface of the site less accessible to cars. Respondents from every region of Ottawa were in favour of this.
  • 70% of respondents are familiar with the Public-Private Partnership (P3) model of service delivery
  • 76% of respondents familiar with P3s feel that the city is not being transparent about the financial aspects of the Lansdowne Park P3.
  • 60% of respondents familiar with P3s do not support the City of Ottawa’s continued use of a P3 to operate and finance aspects of Lansdowne Park.

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