June 2023: Lansdowne Site Tour & Survey Results Released

Councillor Menard hosts a site tour of Lansdowne Park for members of the media and interested residents on June 26th. Preliminary results of the Better Lansdowne survey are released at this time, with a full report released a few days later.

Video From The Site Tour

Key Findings

"The main takeaway of these survey results is that there is very little public support for the current Lansdowne 2.0 proposal whether taken as a whole, or broken down to its constituent elements. Residents do, however, support proposals for meaningfully affordable housing and residential development at Lansdowne; they support public realm enhancements and transportation solutions that prioritize public transit and active transportation. Finally, residents oppose the continued use of the P3 model at Lansdowne, and they feel that the city has not been transparent about the financial aspects of the P3. These results largely hold true regardless of what area of Ottawa respondents live in."

Read the Full Report Now


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