The Good

  • Staff have moved away from misleadingly framing Lansdowne 2.0 as “revenue neutral”; 
  • The high-rise tower in closest proximity to the historic Aberdeen Pavillion has been removed, and in its place, some new accessible green space is being proposed; 
  • One of the remaining two towers is now being proposed to have a relatively more modest height of 25 storeys; 
  • The report suggests that through traffic may be removed from Aberdeen Square, though falls short of committing to it; 
  • The report proposes to increase the trivial annual rent charged to the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) for their use and operation of Lansdowne Park, raising it from $1.00 to $500,000.00; and 
  • The number of additional parking stalls proposed for the site has come down significantly with the removal of the third tower, with the initial number of 739 parking stalls reduced to 336 parking stalls. 

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